Knowledge Management

Empower your organisation with system knowledge

The knowledge management module comprises four key functions that promote self-service: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), knowledge base articles, community forums and the chat bot. Users can browse through or search FAQs and knowledge base articles or engage with the chat bot, ask questions in natural language and be guided on the features of the system, solutions to known problems or other issues of user interest.

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A compilation of frequently asked questions enables users to easily find solutions to known problems or other issues of interest without engaging with an agent.

Community Forums

Allow for more collaborative ways of working as users can share knowledge and communicate with others about a wide range of topics of interest. Over time users of the system gain valuable insight into specific areas of interest.


Provide fast, automated answers to most questions users can ask, questions in natural language and be guided to the relevant information within the system. Time is saved ensuring improved customer service and increased customer engagement.

KB Articles

Easily create consumable knowledge base articles for both your agents and customers. Once created, the KB articles will ensure delivery of more consistent customer support.

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